Thursday, 30 August 2012

Remove Missing VM's - SCVMM 2010 / 2012

Should you find yourself in a situation whereby you have removed a VM without removing it from virtual machine manager, you will have a "missing" entry that you are unable to remove via the management console.

To remove the VM simply undertake the following actions:

  1. Stop the virtual machine manager service on your SCVMM server
  2. Log onto the SQL instance that houses the SCVMM database
  3. Locate the following table : dbo.tbl_WLC_VObject then edit the top 200 rows
  4. Confirm that the VM's listed with an Object state "220" are the missing or retired VM's
  5. Now run the following SQL script:


    DECLARE custom_cursor CURSOR FOR
    SELECT ObjectId from
    dbo.tbl_WLC_VObject WHERE [ObjectState] = 220
    DECLARE @ObjectId uniqueidentifier
    OPEN custom_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM custom_cursor INTO @ObjectId
    WHILE(@@fetch_status = 0)
     DECLARE vdrive_cursor CURSOR FOR
     SELECT VDriveId, VHDId, ISOId from
     dbo.tbl_WLC_VDrive WHERE ParentId = @ObjectId
     DECLARE @VDriveId uniqueidentifier
     DECLARE @VHDId uniqueidentifier
     DECLARE @ISOId uniqueidentifier

     OPEN vdrive_cursor
     FETCH NEXT FROM vdrive_cursor INTO @VDriveId, @VHDId, @ISOId
     WHILE(@@fetch_status = 0)
      DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_VDrive
             WHERE VDriveId = @VDriveId
      if(@VHDId is NOT NULL)
       DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_VHD
       WHERE VHDId = @VHDId
       DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_PhysicalObject
       WHERE PhysicalObjectId = @VHDId
      if(@ISOId is NOT NULL)

       DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_ISO
              WHERE ISOId = @ISOId
       DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_PhysicalObject
       WHERE PhysicalObjectId = @ISOId

         FETCH NEXT FROM vdrive_cursor INTO @VDriveId, @VHDId, @ISOId
     CLOSE vdrive_cursor
     DEALLOCATE vdrive_cursor
     DECLARE floppy_cursor CURSOR FOR
     SELECT VFDId, vFloppyId from
     dbo.tbl_WLC_VFloppy WHERE HWProfileId = @ObjectId
     DECLARE @vFloppyId uniqueidentifier
     DECLARE @vfdId uniqueidentifier
     OPEN floppy_cursor
     FETCH NEXT FROM floppy_cursor INTO @vfdId, @vFloppyId
     WHILE(@@fetch_status = 0)
          DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_VFloppy
      WHERE VFloppyId = @vFloppyId

      if(@vfdid is NOT NULL)
       DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_VFD
       WHERE VFDId = @vfdId
       DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_PhysicalObject
       WHERE PhysicalObjectId = @vfdId


         FETCH NEXT FROM floppy_cursor INTO @vfdId, @vFloppyId
     CLOSE floppy_cursor
     DEALLOCATE floppy_cursor
     DECLARE checkpoint_cursor CURSOR FOR
     SELECT VMCheckpointId from
     dbo.tbl_WLC_VMCheckpoint WHERE VMId = @ObjectId
     DECLARE @vmCheckpointId uniqueidentifier
     OPEN checkpoint_cursor
     FETCH NEXT FROM checkpoint_cursor INTO @vmCheckpointId
     WHILE(@@fetch_status = 0)
          DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_VMCheckpointRelation
      WHERE VMCheckpointId = @vmCheckpointId

         FETCH NEXT FROM checkpoint_cursor INTO @vmCheckpointId
     CLOSE checkpoint_cursor
     DEALLOCATE checkpoint_cursor
    ---------Clean checkpoint
     DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_VMCheckpoint
     WHERE VMId = @ObjectID

            exec [dbo].[prc_VMMigration_Delete_VMInfoAndLUNMappings] @ObjectId
            DECLARE @RefreshId uniqueidentifier
            exec [dbo].[prc_RR_Refresher_Delete] @ObjectId, @RefreshId

            DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_VAdapter
     WHERE HWProfileId = @ObjectId

            DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_VNetworkAdapter
     WHERE HWProfileId = @ObjectId
            DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_VCOMPort
     WHERE HWProfileId = @ObjectId
            DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_HWProfile
            WHERE HWProfileId = @ObjectId
            DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_VMInstance
            WHERE VMInstanceId = @ObjectId
     DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_WLC_VObject
     WHERE ObjectId = @ObjectId
        FETCH NEXT FROM custom_cursor INTO @ObjectId
    CLOSE custom_cursor
    DEALLOCATE custom_cursor

    Original  -
  6. Once the script has run start up the SCVMM services and open the console.
  7. Your missing VM's will now be absent from the console
Warning : Editing any SQL databases should be carried out with extreme caution and a valid backup should be present to roll back to in the event of accidental deletion of critical data or unexpected results.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Removing Failed Servers in DPM 2012

If you find yourself in a position whereby you have a failed or deleted virtual/physical server, your DPM server will report the agent as being "Unavailable". Once in this state you will be unable to uninstall the agent as DPM will attempt to talk to the server in question to remove it gracefully from its database.

In order to get around this open the DPM Management Shell and run the following command:


Once prompted enter the name of your DPM sever, e.g.
On the next prompt enter the FQDN of the failed server, e.g.

You should now receive the following confirmation that your server has been removed from DPM database

Removed ProductionServer successfully

Open the management tab from within the DPM Administrator Console and you should see that the failed server has been removed from your agents list.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Windows 8 Enterprise

It's hard to believe its been a full week since I rushed into the office early to download and rebuild my HP Elitebook with Windows 8 Enterprise.

Now a week down and I find the transition to the new Metro modern UI to be a smooth one and I find myself adapting to the latest way of getting around Microsoft's latest OS. Yes, The UI is ultimately intended for touch devices however if you set aside any misconceptions and get past the first few hours you find things are just as accessible on your non touch enabled device.

I like many other of my fellow IT colleagues find that a mixture of pinning apps to the task bar and relearning the often under used Windows hotkeys can provide a totally new way of doing things, in my opinion in many ways this if for the better. As an administrator I find myself missing the RSAT tools that I had in the beta, however I will make do with RDP connections until the updated release is released to the masses in September.

The experience has not been without its faults however as vendor driver support is still thin on the ground, this also extends to a/v providers such as McAfee leaving you to rely on the inbuilt Defender and BitLocker tools. The one issue that has perplexed me is the built in Hyper-V network settings as to date my laptop does not want to play ball sharing the connections between the host and VM.