Friday, 24 August 2012

Windows 8 Enterprise

It's hard to believe its been a full week since I rushed into the office early to download and rebuild my HP Elitebook with Windows 8 Enterprise.

Now a week down and I find the transition to the new Metro modern UI to be a smooth one and I find myself adapting to the latest way of getting around Microsoft's latest OS. Yes, The UI is ultimately intended for touch devices however if you set aside any misconceptions and get past the first few hours you find things are just as accessible on your non touch enabled device.

I like many other of my fellow IT colleagues find that a mixture of pinning apps to the task bar and relearning the often under used Windows hotkeys can provide a totally new way of doing things, in my opinion in many ways this if for the better. As an administrator I find myself missing the RSAT tools that I had in the beta, however I will make do with RDP connections until the updated release is released to the masses in September.

The experience has not been without its faults however as vendor driver support is still thin on the ground, this also extends to a/v providers such as McAfee leaving you to rely on the inbuilt Defender and BitLocker tools. The one issue that has perplexed me is the built in Hyper-V network settings as to date my laptop does not want to play ball sharing the connections between the host and VM.

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